A Futile Odyssey 

The portals of Delphi proclaim, “Oh man! know thyself you will know the universe and the Gods.”


Cursed and banished by the Lord

Adam stood at the gates of Eden

Loth to depart pleaded to be resorted

An angel of hope descended from heaven

Joyously she revealed the secret of alchemy

The blessings of the inspired art she pronounced thankfully

Eager to shrug off the curse of the forbidden fruit partaken recklessly

So clad in the “coat of skins”

With mortality and fear within

He descended to the lower world

In pursuit of clairvoyance a quest so hazardous

He sought transformation and self-actualisation

The journey was perilous with impediments beyond realisation

He traveled aeon and aeons

Beyond region of Khem and the Phoenicians

The land of the Orient and the Babylonians

To the oracles seers and sages

And modern world intelligentsia and all ages

He searched valiantly rampantly and anxiously

His search was futile and success a fallacy

An alchemist seeking to alchemise

A spirit so base shrouded in karmic disguise

A soul beyond redemption replete in vice

It was a task so stupendous virtually complex and an illusion

To transmute an object so vile to worth and numinous.

~By: Veena Umesh Sood~

Images: Pinterest

21 thoughts on “A Futile Odyssey 

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