Filial Considerations

The day is slowly drawing its last breath and the sun dips in the horizon

Yonder I gaze at the blossoming flowers pronouncing the regenerative force of the season

Close by on the lawns of an old age home I perceive people associated for a common reason

A motley gathering an assemblage so unconventional

A sordid example of societal indifference and its callous reflection

Wizened faces wrinkled and withered hunched and gnarled an unkempt presence

An abject depiction of dismal rejection yearning for acceptance

Visages so pathetic stripped of love and compassion

Beguiled and betrayed by honey laced words of false passion

False promises sweet endearments and hopes of reunion

Now reluctant to concede fallacious were words and fragile filial bonds

Shorn of deceit and shamefully exposed they do abscond

Furtive eyes dart towards the gate yearning to see familiar sights

Promises dishonoured and they have been forsaken

With slow comprehension the truth is awakened

It has dawned that they have been pawned

By those who were their own on whom they had fawned

Their mournful cries fade against the impenetrable barricades

Erected by degradation and a will so stern never to be dissuaded.

~ By: Veena Umesh Sood ~

(Images: Pinterest)

63 thoughts on “Filial Considerations

  1. It is a sad insight into part of a future for most today. I like those documentaries that show elderly folk with ages of 90-100 playing bowls because they have looked after themselves – if we did that old age wouldn’t be so captive or mercenary and fragile and wizened, and the prison bars so alarming…and with luck responsibility of care might change and treatment also…another alarming factor we have to be on guard about.

    Poetically tilted to cover the minefields of age. I enjoyed that.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. The present scenario is so disturbing and alarming. At every bend you find exploitation and ill treatment. Filial bonds have just snapped. We are the proud inheritors of all material aspects, rather we consider them as our rights by the virtue of our birth. It is sad that the aged who seek modest care and emotional support are rendered useless. We should pause and realise that it is a cyclic process and we will find ourselves in their position.

      Liked by 7 people

  2. This poem has brought tears to my eyes.Beautifully written. ‘It has dawned that they have been pawned By those who were their own on whom they had fawned’- wow breathtakingly honest

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you .I am glad my post touched you. In our society parents at one time were venerated now are treated with scant respect. Their place has been superseded by our offsprings. We blindly cater to their needs justified or unjustified at the cost of all other relations.This is certainly going to be our undoing .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree and this affects societies across the board. As a parent to a wonderful loving child it s hard to imagine this could ever happen but as we see it does 🙁definitely needs to be addressed

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a heartbreaking poem Veena aunty! I know, many people these days have no time for their elderly parents or grand parents. It saddens me deeply.

    This also brought back memories of the time spent with my grandpa. I loved him very much, and while my other cousins never did, I always would go for walks in the garden or spend time sitting by the lake talking to him.

    I would always be pestering him for stories from his childhood and youth! And that was the reason I knew more about him, than even my own father and uncles. I was there at the hospital right till his final day. I miss him and always cherish our time spent together.

    I feel sorry for the people who miss out on such moments. They not only lose precious wisdom but also the ability to really understand what they will too feel like that someday. I think they forget, that someday they too will want to have someone to talk to and share their memories. I feel sad that the future may not be as bright after all. I really do wonder if I’ll have people visit me when I’m old!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes it is.we forget that I day we too will be in their place and with the same expectations.A little love and consideration will not only give our ageing elders support but will also be an example for the younger generation.The time you spent with your grandfather in his last days must have given him strength and happiness along with his blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I was just thinking of people in old-age homes just prior to reading your poem. We might recall the care of certain ethnic relations with their parents a veneration of the elderly, but I wonder why this isn’t across all humanity? And then I thought, I would much rather be in such a place than with nowhere to go, at all.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love this! I was the kid who ran all the errands for the elderly in my neighborhood and I thought I was taking taking care of them but they were taking care of me really…until the list of people became so large I couldn’t do it anymore. So when they begged me not to leave from their stories and memories, heaved from under the soft living room bulb, I knew then the loneliness and such despair. When a community falters, when we fail to know one another in the neighborhood, the despair grows, especially for these men and women are are homebound. All we have to do is notice, say hello.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes it is , .the last few steps which become difficult and painful for many.We see ,we observe and we contemplate but most of the time we remain on the periphery as long as it does not effect us directly.We honestly need to shake ourselves into action before pointing at others.I think the only thing that moves us is that time and age spares none.Thanks for your appreciation and the reblog .

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Such an important topic to write about. I never thought about it much as a child, teen, or even as a young mother, but as my health fails and I am dismissed by the young as no longer viable, it is disheartening. On the other hand, my own mother is in a nursing home and she thrives on the social aspects, loves that she has no housework to do, and makes it work for herself. I guess, there is always more than one side to a situation.
    Well stated poem.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. A very powerful statement of the reality of those in their twilight years. I spent years working as a nursing assistant in places exactly as you described. It was very difficult. Not the work so much, but seeing the loneliness and despair of the residents. Always filled with hope that family members were going to visit them. It was all some of them would talk and think about. It was so heartbreaking when weeks would go by and no one would visit them. Or, they would just stop in, take care of business then leave. I could go on and on about so many stories. I myself ended up being the one who would listen to their stories, go into their worlds of dementia with some of them, while caring for them. They were such wonderful people. Such amazing lives they had lived. Only to end in such despair, desperately holding on to any light of hope that they could grasp.

    Excellent imagery through your writing.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. A beautiful poem and a portentous depiction of what future may be for those who squander away their youth being selfish and self indulgent and not caring for those who gave them the opportunity to live in their shameful existence. After all, you reap what you sow! It truly drives the message home and makes one realize that it’s still not too late to make amends and look after their elders ’cause before they know, they too will be wizened, wrinkled and gnarled up… Thanks for this beautiful and heart wrenching composition

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your views.This is such a sensitive issue and weighs heavily on my mind.Every action every word sets me to censure my conduct.There is a conscious attempt to mend what is amiss.Through this post I have made an attempt to impress the same on those who read my post.


  9. I volunteered in nursing homes for 8 years. My grandfather was put there and while visiting him, I met others. Lonely, discarded, amazing individuals who just needed a few moments to feel worth and dignity. After my grandfather was moved to a different facility closer to my father and far from me, I kept going back to visit the people I had met. Then I met more and when they passed away I visited their roomate. For 8 years I saw and advocated for those who were forgotten. I only stopped because of my own health. You have very eloquently written about such a tragic happening….really amazingly written!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have just visited your blog. I admire your courage and spirit.To overcome personal trauma and be sensitive towards others is a wonderful example of a good soul. May joy and peace abound in your life.your selfless service is exemplary . I am glad I met you .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! It led me to be a volunteer chaplain for hospice. I truly loved being with them. I still remember each of them and their stories. I miss it.


      2. Wonderful ! That’s the real wealth of life. To experience life at such close quarters and to be a part of someone ‘s life in their needs is so great it is a self cleansing process.Without any selfish intent you get peace and purpose in life .

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I felt honored. It was 10 years ago now since I stopped due to my muscle disease. And I still think of each person. I wrote a blog on it actually. Somewhere on my page😊. Called Being Stephanie. Because everyone thought my name was stephanie and eventually I just accepted that!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I work in a nursing home and for some people there, it is like that. People can be amazingly callous – you never know how your children will act towards you until they no longer need you for anything, I think (although I hope mine will look after me!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have seen so many cases of neglect and indifference not only does it hurt but it is frightening one never knows what the future holds for us. Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your views.


    1. Thank you so much Aquileana. Your words mean a lot it gives me immense pleasure when my thoughts connect with and warm wishes.Have a great day Veena .

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