Eos – The Flight Of Dawn


Eos stirred uneasily in her chamber reluctant to part and depart for the ardor and passion was difficult  to contain
Silently she gazed at her consort her obsession a virile handsome youth who aroused passions she was unable to restrain
Tithonus the handsomest of all mortals the prince of Troy her coveted possession her recent acquisition and a ceaseless distraction
Restlessly she shifted her gaze and rose to step forth and join Hyperion who waited patiently with eager anticipation
But vile temptation weakened her resolve rekindled raw savage passions which drowned all sane direction
An intense arousal gripped her and shunned all reason thus tormented she recklessly sought instant gratification
But racked by conflicting emotions she wavered the impatient neighing of her steeds was an urgent reminder of transgression
With tremendous determination she overcame all procrastination misdirection and proceeded to honour duty regardless to all attraction

Eos rose and swept through the halls of dawn to bide by the laws of nature and governance and seek prompt execution
She steered her winged stallions and gracefully rose from the eastern horizon dispelling darkness
Triumphantly she lifted the veil of darkness to shower light on to the slumbering realm below and awaken lords creation
And the stars quite vanquished scurried seeking refuge in vain they soon paled and beat a hasty retreat in desperation
Eos the eternal youth the ethereal reawakening ever so chaste ever so dear the eternal hope and unfading everlasting inspiration
Glorious and resplendent a breathtaking beauty spread out her arms and infused a pearly glow in all confines with perfection
Steadily she mounted the arc of heaven to knock at its portals to announce her arrival and beckon brother Helios who waited with eager expectation
Henceforth Helios with fraternal love and affection chose to shine and brighten the world and bear the baton of light in all direction

With a spectacular flourish her mission she had accomplished now proudly she admired her grace and dedication
She had not faltered but staunchly honoured the sacred allegiance for never had it been a vexatious irksome obligation
Eternally a conscious commitment to forge a bond between two distinct realms which bore an inseparable connection
Hers was to balance the darkness and light so grand was the execution no mortal could question nor seek correction
Such observation and association stirs reflection to cherish the eternal message of a new dawning and infinite aspiration
To banish the gloom and darkness of the heart to seal the hurt all failure and regret and bury gnawing frustration
To awaken an eternal dawn fresh new beginning and firmly uphold the message of hope joy and rejuvenation
That light emerges from darkness and darkness devours illumination is the ambiguity of nature and a solemn consideration.

~By: Veena Umesh Sood~
Images: Google

22 thoughts on “Eos – The Flight Of Dawn

    1. Hi Hira
      Thanks a lot . Your words are a tremendous encouragement I am really missing WordPress and my fellow bloggers. Have been awfully tied up with lots of things. Hopefully will be back soon. How are you ? It has been ages since I visited anybody’s blog . Lots of love and happiness.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m fine and yes sometimes it happens in the busy schedule of life, but in the end a writer and the pen and inseparable… Hoping to read more of your work soon. Have a great day. Love 😇

        Liked by 1 person

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